Friday, January 21, 2011

Mix up in Osaka

Arrived in Osaka, Japan hearing that it was full of natural beauty. Somehow got the city mixed up with Kyoto so I spent the first days wandering an urban oasis full of industrial parks, neon lights, massive strips of gaming centers (the Japanese do love their electronics and games, especially pachinko), and great tasting cheap eats.

The hostel/hotel didn't have individual showers, well at least that's what I thought at the time. Instead they had a Japanese spa which has a communal bathing area as well as a hot bathing pool and steam room. So relaxing. Wanted to take a picture of the spa room, but I'm sure you and the naked men contained within wouldn't have appreciated it.


  1. So, you didn't make it to Kyoto? When are you heading to India?

  2. did you try out the saunas in korea? and did you sleep in a capsule hotel? :)

    btw, i decided to take the new job. thanks for the advice. :)

  3. WOWWW you're in Japan! JEALLOUUUSSS~

    where to next? cant wait for the next blog!
