Sunday, January 23, 2011

Translation lost in Tokyo

Arrived at 6am in Tokyo expecting it to be alive given it's name as one of the cities that never sleeps. Yet when I arrived it was almost a ghost town save for the few roaming into work early.

I rarely do any research on a city or country before I arrive. Instead I rely on information from the locals. I thought my 3 years of Japanese would be useful, but time without practice has stifled my capabilities. And I learned that it's much more difficult in Japan to communicate in English than in other countries I've been to. The majority of the time a response from a guy would be, "no English." From gals I'd  get a giggle then a whisper to their friends finished off by no response back to me. Didn't get far with that method so I relied on the subway reading material that had some English.

Got me to Tsukiji, Japan's largest wholesale fish market. Wasn't as impressive as Busan but I did have very good and very expensive sushi right in front of the docks.


  1. the udon looks so good! how was the sushi compared to i love sushi? :)

  2. i got your postcard from Japan! did you get your visa for India? how sad that your high school Japanese did not provide much help for you hahah.
