Saturday, November 20, 2010

Prison Island and Nungwi

Last lazy day in Stone Town led to a trip to Prison Island to see the peacocks and giant tortoises as well as snorkeling the local reefs. So difficult to get the motivation to relocate to a new area, too relaxing and comfortable...hakunamatata (an actual Swahili word, not just Disney).

Finally made the move, bunked down in the northern most tip of Zanzibar in Nungwi. Lovely people and somewhat less touristy. White sandy beaches that never get hot to the touch (low iron content?) and the clearest blue ocean.

Took a Dhow boat out to Mnemba Island to snorkel the reef. Great sea life but the sun was too strong. Even with SPF 45 I got sunburned. Trying to avoid the sun now. 2 days travel to Nkhata Bay in Malawi should remedy that.


  1. i'm sure the boys are going to love those tortoise pics. they're huge! is the second one a live one or a statue? and what is that thing in the bucket!? glad you're able to relax. :)

  2. are my hero...stay safe homie...

  3. Happy Thanksgiving!!! Let us glorify God by giving thanks to Him. Don't you miss the family gathering Thanksgiving dinner? See you soon.... God bless you & your world vision!!

  4. happy thanksgiving bro. what the heck is that thing in that bucket? a type of lobster? I don't know if i want to eat it or kill it.

  5. that turtle is awesome! did you jump on it's back to see if it pops out of its shell and is really wearing a diaper? haha. happy thanksgiving man. judging from what's in that bucket, your "turkey" is going to be a little different this year. :)

  6. Happy belated Thanksgiving Moon! I'm thankful for your friendship and hope you are safe and having a blast as you head on to your next destination :)
