Saturday, December 4, 2010

Disappointment in Tofo

I had my heart set on seeing manta rays and whale sharks in Tofo, but I went 0 for 2. Expectations too high?
Began with an adventure deep dive at Manta Reef hoping to see the manta rays in their cleaning station. Nowhere to be found. But I did get to swim through shoals of 5-line snapper and big eyed soldiers, as well as see a black ribbon eel, ragged scorpion fish, honey comb moray, several types of groupers, and the well camouflaged painted frog fish. Even though I didn’t see the manta rays, it was still the best dive I’ve done so far.
Followed that with the ocean safari to swim with the whale sharks. Spent 2 days and 5 hours on the water searching, they were also nowhere to be found. Instead I swam with bottlenose dolphins. Flipper was great, but definitely no whale shark. Also saw a white tipped reef shark for a few seconds, but it swam as soon as it saw me (as did I).
I realized I’m getting tired of being a beach bum. Need a change of scenery so I’ll start to head inland. I’m actually tired of the sun. I can’t believe I’m about to admit or even say this, but I miss the rain and clouds of Seattle
So disappointed I only took 1 photo in Tofo.


  1. This photo has taken your disappointment well. Good shoot! We miss you.

  2. i have no idea what 99% of the sea animals/fish you mentioned are.

  3. i dont even know where Tofo is. Got your postcard! still living the life i see, can't believe you got to swim with dolphins!

  4. i love that picture!! glad you finally updated moon, and always good to know you're safe and having a blast.

    once you get to South Africa, let's skype!!
