Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Back in action

After a few minor setbacks I'm back on my feet. Spent my last day in NY listening to automated messages hoping to speak to a real person. After hours on hold and many transfers I got through and conquered my obstacle. Yes!!! (with empathic fist pump) After all that hoopla I’m finally preparing for my real trip, 3 hours away from my departure to London. Just booked my hostel in Greenwich which is southeast of downtown London. My plans after that are looking a little more apparent too, just need to be finalized. Scotland and a visit to St. Andrews. Wish my pops could go with. Would be an awesome experience to whack (yes whack…if you’ve seen me play you’d understand) a round and appreciate how the pros make it look so easy. After that a flight to Ireland and some Guinness. Mmm…tastes like chocolate milk. Followed by a flight to Amsterdam to relax. Got to do what the locals do. So now it’s finally starting to hit me. I’m actually doing this! And I’m so unprepared! (with tentative fist pump) But that’s how I originally wanted this trip to play out, on my toes so that I can take advantage of the opportunities in front of me. And as I become a more experienced traveler I’ll better define my plans in advance. So wish me luck!


  1. Glad things worked out! Have a safe flight! Talk to you soon!

  2. "honestly" it was great seeing you! lol. thanks for the cupcake and dont break your laptop on the rest of the trip!

  3. Tried to call you back...but I'm assuming you're on the flight now. Michelle told me about the laptop...glad things worked out! Heard St. Andrews is beautiful! Lots of pictures please!

  4. why did you gchat me and only say "later bro"

  5. Dang it...moon, i was asleep to answer gchat. So, you're going to stay in Greenwich? I believe that's where they have the World Time stuff. I only remember visiting that place.

    If you're in London, make sure to do the London Eye (looks cheesy, but was actually a great way to see the city). Also visit Covet Garden, Camden Market, and Brick Lane (they had good Indian food there). I remember the Sunday Flee Markets being a big thing.

    OOh...you MUST watch a Shakespearean Play at the Globe Theatre! That's a must!!

    K' good luck. For cheap grub, you can always grab fish n' chips @ the stands, or eat at the Pub...found that being the cheapest.

  6. Yea! Do the Portabello Market!
