Sunday, August 29, 2010

New appreciation of London

The first couple days I wasn’t a big fan of London.  Don’t get me wrong, there’s great culture and history but in my opinion it’s so commercialized to the point where it has lost its luster.  I’ve seen Big Ben, Parliament, and so forth in all sorts of media from advertisements to movies so that when I finally saw those sites in person I thought to myself, “no big deal”.  I have to admit part of my lack of enthusiasm for the city was due to the weather, horrible, wouldn’t stop raining.  Now I realize I’m not a big fan of all the touristy attractions. But in the last couple of days I’ve gained a new appreciation of the city.  There’s so much more than just those tourist sites.  A trip to the Globe Theater of Shakespeare and a performance of the Merry Wives of Windsor was much more entertaining than I expected.  Didn’t know Shakespeare could be so funny and at £5 for standing room it was a bargain.  One regret, I would’ve gladly paid more to sit during the 2 hour and 40 minute performance.  My feet never hurt so much, can’t help that I have bad arches, and they still hurt. Was able to go to a football game too, Tottenham Hotspurs versus the Wigan Athletic, definitely a must go event.  Awesome atmosphere with all the chants and cheers. Wouldn’t recommend bringing the youngins though, the fans aren’t shy with their words.  And today I went to the Notting Hill Carnival which is twenty miles of music and Caribbean food vendors in the streets of London.  Had the most amazing jerk chicken, thinking about the marinating sauce is making me drool.  Ooooh...making myself hungry.

Random thought:  Why are toilets here so strong? Feels like I'm going to get splashed every time I flush.
Note to self:  Put the toilet seat down.

View from Greenwich - 0 degree Longitude
Night in Trafalgar Square
Tottingham Hotspurs - Come On You Spurs
Carnival in Notting Hill
Jerk Chicken...drooool


  1. I like the new bag. Are you doing any sightseeing with your hostel roomies? It's nice seeing your face in the pics. :)

  2. hey hey.. im glad london is turning around for you. looks and sounds like you are having a great time. Glad you have a blog and so we can keep up with your adventures and live vicariously through you. Take care bro.

  3. dude, i totally missed out on going to a football game. i'm glad you got to the Globe :) Did you get a chance to go to St. Paul's Cathedral? Ooh, and all the museums are nice!
    i love all your picture posts. rose is do take good pictures!
