Saturday, February 19, 2011

Enlightened in Agra

5:30.  Awoke to cloudy skies to wait in line for tickets and entrance. As we waited the skies poured down unexpectedly. It had been such great weather for the past several weeks, the last thing on my mind was rain. Upon entering the grounds, the drops began to cease and the clouds parted.  Before us was the Taj Mahal gleaming majestically.  The white marble seemed to glow. The recent precipitation had an added effect as the droplets sparkled with the beams of the sun. Spectacular.



  1. again... studied this in art history and the closest i got was seeing it through slides. i hope you're enjoying your time!

  2. YOU SAW IT! awesome sight huh. you went at a good time cause when i went, the sun made everything hotter because of the white marble. had to wear sunglasses. hope you're enjoying india!

  3. p.s. got your buddhist card hahaha, thanks mooner!
