Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Euro Cup preliminaries and onwards to Dublin

What an amazing way to end my last day in Scotland, watching the Euro Cup Preliminary of Scotland vs. Liechtenstein in Hampden stadium. Luckily they still had some tickets available. 40,000 Scottish fans wearing kilts (minus one – me), chanting who knows what with bagpipes blaring in the background. Awesome atmosphere! At one point they started singing the Do-Re-Mi song from the sound of music…doe a deer, a female deer…too funny. And the game was uber exciting. Scotland had gone behind one minute into the second half but rallied to equalize soon after. With the clock winding down in injury time, Scotland scores! What an amazing turn of events, and to think I was about to leave a minute earlier.

Campden Stadium.  Forgot my camera battery so I used my Iphone. Not bad.

I arrived in Dublin today. Of the 10 beds in my dormitory room, 7 are American’s including myself. In the couple weeks I’ve been in Europe this is the first time I’m bunking with my fellow kinsman. Feels like I’m back in the States…

Didn't know they still had prop planes.  Thankfully the flight was only 1 hour.
Downtown Dublin.  Took the picture because of the Irish Flag...but now I'm not so sure it is.
Big Ball at Trinity College.  I should really read the plaques next time.


  1. Your pictures are great!! I'll have to retire the camera to you next time we go on a family trip...

  2. thanks bumjang! yea i like to think of myself as a point-n-shoot professional, i just let the auto function take over. when i get back state side i'll need to get some SLR lessons from you
