Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Is what they say about Paris true?

Not everything they say about the French is true. I was told they won't speak English especially when asked for directions and that they can be very rude. My experience was the opposite. Once they heard my accent they would immediately switch to English and they were extremely friendly. But a lot of what they say is true as well. The pastries are amazing, so flakey with buttery goodness they melt in your mouth. They do love saying "Pardon" in that lofty accent. And much of Paris does smell like pee...I saw many a time a Parisian doing his business in the middle of the sidewalk.

Baked potato drenched in chili and sour cream - reminded me of camping

Leon de Brussels - before...

...the aftermath

The Louvre was grand. Didn't expect the Mona Lisa to be so small.

The grandeur of the Palace of Versailles was lost on me. The curator decided to allow an exhibition of Japanese anime characters all throughout. Like the ushers working there I will not comment on the taste. The palace grounds though were delightful.

Interesting exhibition in comment

Notre Dame was very accommodating, allowing free public tours even during mass. But people please, stop using flash!

I don't see how the Eiffel Tower is romantic. 1 hour wait to get up to the 2nd level. Another hour wait to get to the 3rd level (top). Then finally another hour wait to get back down. I guess romance is all about waiting?


  1. how are you losing weight eating all of that goodness??? did you try a croissant!? omg, what i would do to eat a pastry in paris. and to see the louvre and palace at versailles! but you're right, i feel like the eiffel tower is overrated.

  2. just got postcard from Eiffel Tower, Paris. it reminds me good memories at the palace of Versailles, Rotterdam,Louvre.....thank you!!!
